Saturday, February 24, 2018

An Open Letter to White Supremacist Richard Spencer

I wrote this a year ago today ... and I think it bears repeating inasmuch as white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and racists continue to have the tacit, if not overt, support of the President of the United States and many of his minions.

An Open Letter to White Supremacist Richard Spencer 
Mike Broemmel 

Richard Spencer, a white supremacist, is the queen of the alt-right movement. He’s a pudgy, effeminate, puddle of nonsense who pitched a fit worthy of Tinkerbell after being booted out of the CPAC conference today. My ears still ring from his petulant squeaking. My eyes still bleed from viewing his racist rant, with hair cropped in a manner I’m certain is intentionally designed to mimic the despicable leader of the Third Reich. 

And to Dick Spencer, I tender this open letter.

Dear Dick,

I never had the occasion to listen to you babble until today. You’ve never been a person I’ve had any interest in. I’ve always found you to be more of a closet case who is trying to exude his masculinity through puffery normally assigned to an aged peacock. The difference between you and a peacock, of course, is that you lack appropriate plumage. You use hate speech to make up for your inadequate manhood, methinks. 

You view yourself as the leader of some sort of new conservative movement in the United States. I imagine that you see yourself as taking over the mantle of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. Let’s make something very clear from the start: You are not the heir to true conservatives like the Senator and the President. 

In point of fact, many of the leaders of the national GOP today are not the heirs of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan. Certainly, if many Republicans cannot properly wear the mantle of Goldwater and Reagan, you don’t even wear their socks. Maybe you wear their underpants (as a hat to cover your Adolph Hitler hairdo).  

During your hithy-fit today you stated that people want to talk to you and don’t want to speak with “boring conservatives.” You stated that people want to learn about “ideas whose time has come” and not ideas from true conservatives whose time you think has passed.

You went on to remark that “everyone recognizes that there has to be identity politics.” And you spoke of “white culture” (whatever the hell that is) and stated without equivocation that “white people define the United States.”

I really try to avoid blanket statements. But, Dick, on all accounts, you are wrong. Ignorant, and wrong.

Not many people want to hear you speak. I’ve managed to avoid that experience until today. I confess a sort of prurient curiosity got the best of me, and a morbid inquisitiveness to confirm what I think you really are all about. 

By definition, identity politics demand the formation of small, exclusive, political gaggles at the expense of functional political parties, let alone operational government. Identity politics is not a must, as you profess. That type of politics is harmful, even dangerous.

I’ve tried to research what in the world you mean by white culture. I came up with images of men in lederhosen, images of men in dirty undershirts drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon from extra-large cans, images of men roasting hot dogs over a tire fire, and a gaggle of men perhaps playing hide-n-seek to find what appears to be a plethora of missing teeth. If this is white culture, I ain’t got none of that.

Most of all, Dick, you do not represent “ideas whose time has come.” You have every right to babble about your beliefs. Nonetheless, your ideas thoroughly were discredited long ago. Thoroughly. Discredited. Permanently. 

Your ideas saw their fruition in places called Arbeitsdorf, Auschwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Flossenbürg, Gross-Rosen, Herzogenbosch, Kaunas, Krakow-Plaszow, Majdanek, Mauthausen, Mittelbau-Dora, Natzweiler-Struthof, Neuengamme, Ravensbrück, Riga-Kaiserwald, Sachsenhausen, Stutthof, Vaivara, Warsaw, and Wewelsburg. 

You’re welcome to pout, pander, pirouette, and penché like an erstwhile ballerina. Nonetheless, your ideas at best represent something evil that lurks in the hearts and minds of some people and are nothing to be championed.