Founded in 2012 as a project of the Center for Innovation, Theatrix USA heads into the final months of 2016 marking its most successful year yet. Theatrix USA partnered with Act One Productions to bring a series of experimental, and highly successful, one-actor plays to the stage. The productions are:
Taking Tea with the Ripper
The Hours of Anne
The Bonfils Girl
La Primera Mujer: The True Story of Eva Peron
Each of these plays won audience acclaim and played to full theatres throughout the year.
Taking Tea with the Ripper by Mike Broemmel
An evening having tea with one of the most infamous serial killers of all time: Jack the Ripper. Taking Tea with the Ripper takes you through the night in which the Ripper slays his first victim. The most disturbing play of 2016 … but, in a spectacular way.
The play stars award-winning actor Paul Escobedo and is directed by Ashley Gibbons.
The Hours of Anne by Mike Broemmel and Seth Holley
The Hours of Anne chronicles the final day in the life of Queen Anne Boleyn, second wife of Henry VIII and the first to be beheaded. We sit with Anne during her last hours in the Tower of London. The play begins with Anne at the block and the remarkable speech she gave at that time. Was she put to death in a just manner for defying the English monarch? Or, was she a heroic innocent killed to satisfy the lust of Henry the VIII?
The play stars Sarah Woodyard and is directed by Ren Manley.
The Bonfils Girl by Mike Broemmel and Seth Holley
Frederick Bonfils was a down and dirty businessman in the days when Colorado was still a part of the proverbial Wild West. Frederick founded the Denver Post -- as well as gambling casinos and (some say) houses of prostitution. Frederick fathered two daughters, the younger being Helen. Helen would achieve amazing success in the early part of the 20th century in her own right -- including being the first female producer on Broadway and taking the reins as publisher of the Denver Post among other achievements. Helen Bonfils always felt she lived in her father's shadow. The Bonfils Girl brings Helen to the stage, reflecting on the ins and outs, ups and downs (and maybe a few vices) in her life.
The play stars veteran actor Cathy Washburn and is directed by long-time entertainer Rich Beall.
La Primera Mujer: The True Story of Eva Peron by Mike Broemmel and Seth Holley
La Primera Mujer tells the tale of the former Argentine First Lady, Eva Peron, who garnered international renown during her lifetime and gained further recognition in the 1980s as a result of the widely-acclaimed musical Evita. However, this is very different from the musical. La Primera Mujer tells the true story of Eva Peron … and it’s completely different from the one told by Andrew Lloyd Webber in Evita. Despite the portrayal in "Evita," Eva Peron was neither a social climbing whore or a money grubbing thief. Rather, she was a complicated woman committed to reaching out to the poor of her nation. Witness her story of taking the helm of a country through the majestic power of her voice.
The play stars Maggy Morgan and is directed by Ian Henson.
In addition, Theatrix USA and Act One Productions have one more play slated for the stage in 2016, a one-actor project focusing on the life of screen legend and brilliant inventor Hedy Lamarr. The play has yet to titled. Actor Cathy Washburn, the star of premiere production of The Bonfils Girl, is working on the Lamarr script with Broemmel
During most of 2016, Theatrix USA was headed up by Seth Holley, a producer who oversaw the successful production of the four original plays that premiered during the year. He also saw the special production of Taking Tea with the Ripper and The Hours of Anne in the historic Jayhawk Theatre in Topeka, Kansas.
Mike Broemmel returned for another year on the Theatrix USA team, writing the script for Taking Tea with Ripper and co-writing The Hours of Anne, The Bonfils Girl and La Primera Mujer: The True Story of Eva Peron with Seth Holley.
Theatrix USA is focusing on producing its plays at three venues in Denver: Namastage Theatre on Old Pearl Street and the 910 ARTS Center in Skylite Station in the Santa Fe Arts District.
Theatrix USA and Act One Productions also launched the Iconic Women Theatre Series in 2017, a project created by Seth Holley and Mike Broemmel. The Iconic Women Theatre Series focuses on the life stories of women who have not received their public due … including Anne Boleyn, Helen Bonfils, Eva Peron, Hedy Lamarr and Myrlie Evers.
Theatrix USA has announced its 2017 season, which will include the premiere of two new, original plays: Escort Me in March and River’d Inn later in the year. Goddess People will return to the stage in Denver in June.
In addition, Theatrix USA, together with Act One Productions, will bring the final play in the Iconic Women Theatre Series to the stage in early 2017. That play is entitled Call Me Mrs. Evers and tells the story of civil rights leader Myrlie Evers.
The trio of plays in the Theatrix USA 2017 season each combine humor and pathos to tell stories of real human beings in challenging situations:
Escort Me by Mike Broemmel and Tony Sutera
Goddess People by Mike Broemmel
River’d Inn by Mike Broemmel